
Lyon and healy harp 3503 46 string
Lyon and healy harp 3503 46 string

lyon and healy harp 3503 46 string

He continued to tour as a pianist until his death.į. After the performance he worked as a conductor at the Kärntnertortheater in Vienna until 1826 and wrote his second opera, Der Rotmantel.

lyon and healy harp 3503 46 string

In 1824 Würfel left Warsaw and returned to Prague where his first opera, Rübezahl, was presented at the Estates Theatre on 7 October. Würfel knew the Chopin family well and often worked with young Fryderyk, on whom he had a strong influence. There was a colony of Czech musicians in Warsaw, including Živny (Żywny), Chopin’s first teacher. In Warsaw he published some major didactic works for keyboard, including Euterpe: dziennik muzyczny na fortepiano (1818) and Zbiór exercycyi w kształcie preludyów ze wszystkich tibów maior i minor (1821), a set of exercises and preludes in all the major and minor keys he also published a number of polonaises and other keyboard works. In 1815 Würfel went to Warsaw, where he soon became a favourite artist in the salon and the concert hall that year he was appointed professor of organ and thoroughbass at the conservatory. He went to Prague as a pupil of Tomášek and, though he primarily studied the piano, was tremendously influenced by the novel style of Tomášek’s keyboard compositions and modelled some of his own works on them this is particularly so in the music he wrote while in Warsaw during the most important period of his career. A precocious pianist, he made many concert tours in Bohemia as a youth. He came from a musical family and was pushed (especially by his mother) towards a career in music. ( b Plaňány, nr Kolín, d Vienna, 23 March 1832).

Lyon and healy harp 3503 46 string